Tuesday 3 January 2012

C2M T minus 21 days

Okay so I know my post is a little late for today, but it's been a good day! In the morning we went out to Harbourtown and shopped till about 3. I managed to buy the bikini top I wanted and another sims expansion pack! While we were out we went to a Swiss ice cream shop and I had this deelish raspberry sparkling sorbet! Then we got home and I played my game for a bit and at 6 we left for the movies to watch Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. it was SUCH a good movie. I swear I walked out of the cinemas wanting to be a secret agent! Now it's 12:00am and I'm not tired -.-. Maybe I'll do some game reviews for you guys before I go to sleep.
Stay tuned.

Monday 2 January 2012

"Style" by Lauren Conrad- Review

So as I have finished my new book, I thought I'd review it for you! Here goes:
Upon completion of Style by Lauren Conrad I felt more educated and the urge to overhaul my closet! The books talks about everything from how to shop, what to wear (depending on body type), makeup, hair, closet essentials, how to take good photos, etc. It talks about basically everything to do with your appearance and 'style' (duh, that's the title!). The book is super informative, and offers great pictures and ideas! Lauren proved very knowledgable on the subject of fashion and if you've seen pictures of her from the pap she practices what she preaches! Although we know Lauren in a rich celebrity she doesn't just talk about designer items, but also vintage and stores like Forever21! Also, we all know Lauren as the confident, beautiful celebrity but Lauren shows a different side of herself in the book. She shows the real side of herself when she talks about her insecurities, and how she styles herself and has to worry about repeating outfits. She has the same worries as any other person! I really loved this book, it was incredibly informative and interesting! Well anyways off for now. Wish me luck on my shopping expedition tomorrow!

C2M T minus 22 days

Well hello,
So today I finished my book and I've been totally inspired to go shop! It was really interesting and I honestly couldn't put it down! I think this is a clear cut sign that I should most DEFINITELY go onto fashion! Aside from that I spent the day at home because being a public holiday, nothing was open -.-. However, tomorrow I'm probably going to Harbourtown and I'll get some shopping done!
Shopping List:
- wine colored bikini
- Brown wood necklace
- tunic that can double as a top and cover-up
- black flats
- Loose sheer t-shirt
- Loose, flowy formal dress
- Casual skirt
Well wish me luck! Hopefully I can find the things on my list for a good deal! Anyways stay tuned for my book review!

Sunday 1 January 2012


Hello again,
Since i just found out i have a bit of an audience... i thought i'd post my tumblr link on here. 
It's only new, but i'm really loving it. It's such a creative way to express yourself, and show people who you are and what you like! If anyone wants to post their tumblr link as a comment i'd be happy to check theirs out.
Anways, my tumblr: www.leyley17.tumblr.com
Night, again.

C2M T minus 23 days

Hey there,
So in case you were wondering what "C2M" means, it's "Countdown to Melbourne." Creative, huh? So as part of my countdown until I move to Melbourne i'm going to tell you how i spent my time each day.
Today, was the first day of 2012 and i spent it pretty well.
I slept in, and had a delish breakfast. Then, i went to the beach for a bit. Got my tan on ;) After that my bro and i went down to Westfield for a bit [without realizing most stores would be closed -.-]. We ended up going to 3 stores but i still made two purchases! I'm SUCH a shopaholic. I bought this AMAZING book from Lauren Conrad called "Style," and The Sims 3 Pets! Ahh, i was so happy with my purchases. I ended up getting home to spend the rest of the day alternating between reading my book and playing the sims [Tbh, i spent more time playing the sims :P]. Now it's 11:13pm and i'm watching a kinda creepy show.
Anyways i think i'm going to change the channel and find something good to watch.
Night. xoxo